
Thursday, December 6, 2012

oh, hey there!

some things have been going on. like, umm.. I had a baby GIRL.
and I've been battling a serious monster named Post Partum Depression.
baby girl Ella will be 3 months old on the 13th. which means I haven't communicated with blog land in a really long time. but you know what I love about blog land? it doesn't care. it accepts me back into it's loving arms no matter how long my absence.
other things have happened.
like, my little Parker started preschool! he is doing fantastic. he has been attending for an entire month now, and he is really starting to open up. his teacher told me yesterday how much more he is talking. he takes after his momma, and likes to get to know people before letting them get to know him. he comes home and sings songs. sometimes I know what he is trying to sing and I help him remember the words (if I remember the words!). other times I have to ask Ms. Karen what new songs they are learning. he really likes the wheels on the bus and the three little pigs (that was a new one for me. I know the story, but I never heard a song for it!). he loves talking about his new friends and will often ask to go to school on the days he doesn't have it.
I'm trying to find myself again, and in doing so I have realized how much I have changed in just a short amount of time. life is hard, but good. the hours are long, but the days are short. I'm focusing on not wasting those days, and it is making me happier.

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