
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blog Much?

Wow, I've been super committed to this blog, huh?

I've kind of been distracted with a lot of personal things lately. Nothing too horrible, but still, nothing I feel I can share on the interwebs. sorry! & yes, everyone is ok.

I've shut down my etsy shop for awhile. I just have too much going on right now & I can't give it the attention it needs. I'm hoping to open it back up around February.

So what have I been doing? We've been going to the park a lot, trying to get all the outside play time in that we can before it starts snowing.

I took some fall pictures of my sisters-in-law




Yep, my sisters-in-law are little. Sydney (who is actually step-SIL) just turned 9, Jozie is 8, Journey is 10. MIL and FIL had the boys, then waited 14 years and had the girls. Got divorced just a few years ago, MIL remarried. There is also Preston who is Syd's brother, he's 11. Their house is usually madness and I have no idea how they survive.

Anyway, I've also been:

Writing (not on the blog, obviously)
I made Parker's Halloween costume (he was quail man!)
Working on a baby shower present for my best friend Heather
Started NanoWrimo
Started twitter! You could follow me ya know! ;)
Switched almost completely over to Real Foods, more on this another day.

I'm sure there is more, but the point is, I've been BUSY. I actually came to the blog to escape my NanoWrimo. I just needed to write something other than that story.

Oh yeah, I write. Not professionally or anything, but seriously. Most people in real life don't even know this about me. It isn't something I like to talk about. Mostly because I'm afraid they'll ask me what I write about, and I'll have to say 'murders' or 'destruction of the world' or 'stalkers' and they'll give me that look like I'm crazy. I used to write poetry in High School. I just recently picked up writing stories, but I haven't finished one. I'm hoping Nano will push me to just finish one. Maybe one day after that I can talk about it more. Or maybe not.

Ok, this was a nice long distraction, but I feel like I'm rambling now. Hopefully I'll be back in a few days!