
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

pregnancy details

First of all, this pregnancy was/is a total surprise for us. We were not trying. Quite the opposite actually.Ii was charting to avoid. We didn't even have sex during the "fertile window". I'm still kind of in shock that it even happened. Let me take you back 4 weeks..

January 2 - All morning I had been having a tingling feeling in my boobs that felt like let down sensation. It was really strange, but I just put in on the back burner in my brain. Later that day, I got in the shower and noticed that my boobs were leaking. I honestly thought I was going crazy and just seeing things. I looked again. Yep, leaking milky stuff. I think at this point I exclaimed 'What the hell!?' and jumped out of the shower, shaking. Fast forward about 10 minutes.

I was getting dressed and debating with myself on what this could mean. Is there something wrong with me? Can random leaking happen 1.5 years after breastfeeding? Am I pregnant? I looked at my chart. 7 dpo. Surely too early to take a test, plus it is VERY RARE to leak that early. I decided to just call my doctor and ask what I should do (come in for a blood test, wait another week and take an hpt, or go get some labs for whatever else could be going on b/c there is NO WAY I could be pregnant. Unfortunately, my doctor's office was closed for New Year's Day. Crap.

So I let Ben know what was going on, and decided I would take a pregnancy test in the morning just so I could let my doctor know I got a negative hpt.

January 3 - Woke up, peed on a stick. Brushed my teeth while I waited. Grabbed the stick..

super duper light positive.

Called my doctor, explained how there was just no way this could be right. She ordered a few blood tests, one being a pregnancy test. The others were to be ran only if the pregnancy test was negative. After a fiasco at the lab, I finally got my draws done, and waited almost all day to hear back from them.

My phone rang and my hands started to shake. The nurse said that the test came back positive, but the numbers were really low, and I needed to go back in 2 days. Well, the next day I took another hpt, and Thursday I took another. Both were positive, of course. After my second draw the nurse called to congratulate me because my numbers were doubling perfectly!

We had a few days filled with shock, frustration, and how are we going to do this?! But we're getting excited now. I had an ultrasound last Thursday and baby is perfect, we even heard the heartbeat. I have another ultrasound this Wednesday! Oh, due date is September 17th!

Monday, January 30, 2012

i've been MIA

what's been keeping me away?


more to come later..